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Tips and Tricks for Refinishing Hardwood Floors

Textured wood
Posted on July 18, 2022 by fivestarwood

Hardwood can be the most luxurious option in flooring for any property. It’s an exquisite material that takes hundreds of different shapes. It is the most stylish option for installing in bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, and even on the outdoor porch.

It suits commercial properties just as well as it does residential spaces. With regular upkeep, you can further enhance the beauty of these floors and keep them looking good as new.

Here are some tips for hardwood floor refinishing and avoiding many expensive repairs.

1. Choose the Right Sanding Equipment

When refinishing a hardwood floor, you must scrape off the top layer to reveal the inner one. For this purpose, you need sandpaper with the right qualities. If you scrape it too harshly, the floor might get damaged permanently. To avoid this risk entirely, leave floor refinishing to the Five Star Hardwood Floor experts.

2. Handle Furniture Carefully

Furniture mishandling is one of the biggest reasons for scrapes and marks on a hardwood floor. Make sure you move all heavy items off the floors with extra precaution so that the project can complete without any delays.

3. Get Respirators

Professional flooring contractors use respirators to avoid breathing in wood dust during refinishing projects. If you are doing this project by yourself, you should also invest in this device.

A room with wooden décor

4. Do the Corner Carefully

It can be tricky to sand the corners of a floor without professional help. It is better to do this job with the help of a project partner so that any mistakes can be avoided. Measure the dimensions before starting and do a small area in each attempt.

5. Clean Ahead

Before polishing or finishing your floors, you have to make sure they are absolutely clean. Otherwise, it would only take longer for sanding, and the final finish might turn out uneven.

6. Invest in a Toolkit

You can find a variety of DIY toolkits for floor renovations in the market. These kits are specially designed to be handled by non-professionals and are easy to use. However, the cost of these accessories may exceed the amount you plan to save through this DIY project.

So avail of Five Star Hardwood Floor‘s floor refinishing services instead, and save yourself from many inconveniences. Click here for more information about our well-trained staff.